lauantai 3. elokuuta 2013

What is addiction?

To understand it, think, how bad do you really feel, and how good would it need to feel, for you NOT to give it up (i.e., induced good feeling relative to the bad)? 

If "u'd feel good enough in comparison (without the addictive)", there wouldn't be no problem.

Photo courtesy of Mikko Neminen

lauantai 6. heinäkuuta 2013

The all-in-one e-whitepaper for entrepreneurials

See Way to Wealth, by Brian Tracy.
One of the most important business skills you will ever learn is called “Zero-Based Thinking.” In zero- based thinking, you continually ask this question, “If I were not now doing what I am doing, knowing what I now know, would I get into it again today?”

Is there any part of your business, your product, price, promotion, place, packaging, positioning or people that, knowing what you now know, you would not start up again today, if you had to do it over?

It takes tremendous courage to admit that you have made a mistake, or that you are doing the wrong thing based on the current market. But facts are facts. If you would not get into it again today, your only question is, “How do I get out of this, and how fast?”

The only measure of any business activity is this: Is it working? Are you getting results? Are you generating sales, revenues and positive cash flow? If you are not, be prepared to change or even abandon the product, service or activity.
Nuff said, hands down.

See also How to Escape from Bad Decisions.

Photo courtesy of Mikko Nieminen

maanantai 27. toukokuuta 2013

What Is Payroll Automation?

Payroll management [1] consists of several stages and procedures for which the employer is legally responsible. Payroll Automation can be accomplished using software that manages the payroll workflows and automates payroll calculations including complex labor agreement and tax rules.

Payroll automation saves time and money and reduces mistakes, as information that is required to calculate and pay wages does not need to be manually copied between different systems several times over or moved from place to place.

Payroll software can be installed on the hard drive of a computer, or can be a browser-based, online cloud service that requires no installation or user maintenance.

For IT resourcing, you would ofcourse like to have also an integrated automated billing solution together with automated payroll processing.

Photo courtesy of Mikko Nieminen

keskiviikko 17. huhtikuuta 2013

Silent IT job hunting –

  • I’m looking for a new job…it is taking all my time and energy, I feel frustrated.
  • That’s exactly why I prefer job hunting daemon.
  • What?  What do you mean?
  • I’m looking for new interesting jobs all the time, but silently as a background process, like a daemon.
  • Why?
  • First and foremost I want to have an idea of my possibilities and of my market value. I’m an expert in my field and I want to stay on top of things. I also want to know what I have to do in order to get ahead in my career.
  • So how do you do this in practice?
  • I upload my CV to, and start a profile. I’ll also enter my assets and areas of expertise and my career ambitions. If for some reason I want to switch to another job, I won’t have to start from zero. Because have a profile online, and because I’ve been tracking my market value, I’ll know what the situation is.
Photo courtesy of Mikko Nieminen

Silent job hunting should be a part of your job as an expert. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re not happy with your current job. On the contrary, it means that you are interested in knowing what’s happening in the job market and how your field of expertise is growing and developing. Silent job hunting enables you to think about where you want to be in your career and thus have a variety of options for the future.

Create your own profile at now! First, think about these three questions.

  1. What is your area of expertise and what are your assets
  2. What are you interested in
  3. With which conditions would you be interested in changing a job

When you have the answers, simply upload your CV into YourITProfile will get you noticed among other experts and employees alike!

YourITProfile – Show your talent online! The Job hunting daemon!